
Call of duty ww2 vs world at war
Call of duty ww2 vs world at war

call of duty ww2 vs world at war

The views of the moderation team do not reflect the view of Microsoft or its subsidiaries. Note: We are not affiliated with Microsoft or its subsidiaries in any official capacity. Showoff Sunday - all pictures of achievements, gamerscore, controllers, custom art/mods, battle stations, and so forth are only allowed as posts on Sundays. Funny enough, the two do share one point in common: A. posts must be within the weekly megathread. World at War is based on real events but naturally adds its own Call of Duty spin while Vanguard is largely a work of fiction. and posts must be properly tagged or they will be removed. Airplane Mission - The Battle of Midway - Call of Duty: Vanguard. No advertising, selling, buying, trading, self pomotion or asking for free stuff. Become a World War II pilot and take part in the campaign against the Empire of Japan. Memes, image macros, reaction gifs, polls, petitions, friend requests, and surveys are not allowed as posts. Being the fourteenth main game in the series, it is also the first installment since Call of Duty: World at War to be set in World War II, and the fifth main WWII title in the series. Spoilers and NSFW must be properly marked.Įnabling piracy, jailbreaking, hacking, fraud, account trading/sharing, region switching, etc is not allowed. Call of Duty: WWII is a first-person shooter developed by Sledgehammer Games for the PC, Playstation 4 and Xbox One. Posts must be directly related to Xbox and link to the source.įollow Reddiquette. News, reviews, previews, rumors, screenshots, videos and more! Follow us on Twitter! Subreddit Podcast! Join our club Check out our official wiki page Subreddit Rules

Call of duty ww2 vs world at war