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So I sat in a chair & he went to bed for 4 hours. Johnson there with whom I was told I was to share a bed! When he and I retired I explained that I couldn’t sleep 2 in a bed and he quite understood & respected my feelings. It was very hot and the 7_ miles pretty nearly did for me - I waded once to avoid a very wobbly foot-log, and negotiated a very high swing bridge. Then Storey met us & I walked while he drove Maud & the luggage. We arrived before him & seeing a log cabin close by went in and struck a very good singer from whom I got 2 good songs. We packed and started for the mountains, motoring over a very rough road for 7 miles when it became impassable and Mr. Then got message from Mr Storey that motor was to meet us at 2. Strolled out in the morning and went to Mrs Dyer’s but got nothing worth having. Straight & Skillern's Minuets for the year 1777.

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Old Reels and Dance Tunes and Old Yorkshire Tunes.Ralph Vaughan Williams Manuscript Collection (at British Library).Ralph Vaughan Williams Manuscript Collection (at VWML).Cecil Sharp Manuscript Collection (at Clare College, Cambridge).Cecil Sharp Manuscript Collection (at VWML).Thomas Fairman Ordish Manuscript Collection.Ella Mary Leather Manuscript Collection.Daisy Caroline Daking Manuscript Collection.Francis Collinson Manuscript Collection.George Butterworth Manuscript Collection.Sabine Baring-Gould Manuscript Collection.

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